Civic Kitty's History

Civic Kitty was created in 2020 for people and charties. People want to know how their contributions are being put to use.

Civic Ktty works with Non-profit organzations to provide its donors a level of communication that donors want. We provide real-time answers to questions and if we don’t have the answer right away, we get the answer for you.  

Civic Kitty also provides data analytics to Non-profit Organizatins so they know better how to communicate with their donors and have real answers to important questions.

What We Do?

Our company is a for-profit company. Civic Kitty provides a searchable database of all Non-profit entities who are listed on Dunn and Bradstreet.

We do not rate organizations. We provide services so that donors who support their favorite Non-profit organzations can give small amounts to more than one Non-profit organization at one time while we provide a way for communications between the donors and the Non-profit. 

Please watch the video below to learn more. We are currently revamping our website so that it is more modern and has new features such as a donor dashboard. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you, Sue Rose, President

Civic Kitty Team Members

Oren Levin-Waldman

Oren Levin-Waldman

Data Analytics
Albert Trombetta

Albert Trombetta

Executive Officer
David Washington

David Washington

Executive Officer
Michael Ferguson

Michael Ferguson

Donor & Public Policy


Civic Kitty makes giving fun! Branded coffee mugs, tee shirts and more!

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© 2024 Civic Kitty is a trade name of IntegrityLives LLC who is registered and bonded as a  Third Party Solicitor of Charitable Contributions with the Colorado Secretary of State’s office.